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Shaving Razor Kit Contains 24 Cartridges + 1 Ergonomic Handle Try ShaveMOB Today, & Get a Quality Shave at an Awesomely Low Price4 Stainless Steel, Precision Cut BladesLubricating StripOpen Flow Blade DesignPivot Head with Ergonomic Handle AngleReplaceable Cartridge Razor "The Purist" is an exceptional 4-blade women*s shaving razor. Enjoy a high quality, affordable shave with this 4-blade women*s shaving razor from ShaveMOB! 4 Stainless Steel, Precision Cut Blades — ShaveMOB*s precision cut stainless steel blades, forged from high-grade stainless steel, are coated with a proprietary blend that includes PTFE resin and chrome to help glide across your skin. Lubricating Strip — Each ShaveMOB cartridge contains a lubrication strip to help elevate your shaving experience. Open Flow Design — Open Flow Design helps hair follicles and shaving cream to pass through. Pivot Head — A great shave requires excellent contact with the angles and contours of your skin.ShaveMOB pivoting heads are paired with the handle*s ergonomic angle to support freedom of movement and control. Built-in Rubber Fin — Each ShaveMOB cartridge contains a built-in rubber fin that helps to gently prep your facial hair. Ergonomic Handle — Handle position and construction are important to maintaining a comfortable, steady grip on your razor while shaving.After testing many angles, we*ve positioned our razors right where we believe they should be. Replaceable Cartridges — We*ve designed multiple cartridge options to help fit the needs of every person.All of our handles fit with all of our blades.Try them all and decide which best fits your needs. Cartridges manufactured in South Korea.Handles manufactured in China. |
Medium Blue Wash
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먼저 문의해 주시면 답변드리도록 하겠습니다. 반품가능 기간이 짧거나 해외 벤더사의 규정에 의거 반품 및 환불이 불가능할 경우
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