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The Most Natural Way to Bottle Feed and Sterilize#1 Bottle Brand in America SterilizeUltra fast, compact and lightweight microwave sterilizer. Natural Latch OnEasy to combine breast and bottle feeding.The wide breast-shape promotes natural latch on similar to the breast and makes it easy for your baby to combine breast and bottle feeding. Unique Comfort PetalsPetals inside the nipple increase softness and flexibility without nipple collapse.Your baby will enjoy a more comfortable and contended feeding. Advanced Anti-Colic SystemInnovative twin-valve design reduces colic and discomfort by venting air into and not baby*s tummy. Simple to Use and CleanWide bottle neck makes filling and cleaning easy.Only a few parts for quick and simple assembly. Microwave SterilizerUltra fast and easy to use.Sterilizes 4 bottles in 2 minutes.*Convenient for travel.Eliminates harmful bacteria.If lid is unopened, contents remain sterile for up to 24 hours. Soothie Pacifier 0-3mUsed by medical professionals to calm newborns.Hospital grade silicone, one piece construction, highly durable. Bottle BrushCurved brush head and molded tip for thorough cleaning of hard to reach areas. Choosing the Right Natural Nipple For Your BabyFour different flow rates to keep up with your baby*s growth.Use the Natural bottle only with Philips AVENT Natural feeding nipples. These BPA-Free bottles are made of PP material (Polypropylene). Includes:Microwave Sterilizer2 - 4 oz (125 mL) Natural Feeding Bottles (0m +)2 - 9 oz (260 mL) Natural Feeding Bottles (1m +)2 - Soothie PacifiersBottle and Nipple Brush 1-800-54-AVENT Bottles and Microwave Sterilizer Made in England Soothies Made in USA Bottle Brush Made in Malaysia *2 min. at 1100-1850 W, 4 min. at 850-1000 W, 6 min. at 500-800 W. |
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