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Natural FeedingNatural Milk FlowBaby controls the flow of milk, similar to breastfeedingNaturally Fuss FreeActiveFlow™ Venting Technology clinically designed to reduce colic and gasNaturally SafeFree From BPA and PVCPremium MaterialIdeal for boiling & steam sterilization The Natural ChoiceThe Born Free bottle system is designed to address the feeding needs of all babies - whether they are breastfed, formula fed, or both - making it the natural choice for all mothers. The patented ActiveFlow Venting Technology helps mothers breastfeed longer by stimulating mother*s natural milk flow which is controlled by baby while nursing.This helps prevent nipple confusion and reduces the amount of air ingested by baby while feeding. The Active-Flow Venting Technology is also clinically designed to reduce colic and gas which can be experienced particularly after drinking formula.The ideal bottom system for both breastfeeding and formula feedingSoft silicone nippleAvailable in 5 flow rates from newborn to 12 months*Easy-grip cap ringPatented, leak-free vent allows baby to control flow for an experience closer to breastfeedingHassle free - fewer parts to clean and maintainBottom rack dishwasher safeBottle cover included Born Free is the natural choice for safe and calm feeding. 5 Different Flow Rates AvailableOne for every stage of your baby*s developmentLevel 1Level 2Level 3Y CutVariable FlowSlow Flow0-3m*Medium Flow3-6m*Fast Flow6m+*Fast Flow6m+*Slow, Medium & Fast Flow0m+* |
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