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Special Edition Pink BottlesSimply the Best Baby BottleReduces Colic, Spit-Up, Burping & GasThe patented vent system eliminates air and vacuum to allow baby to feed comfortably and reduce many common feeding problems.Helps Preserve Vitamins C, A & E + LipidsThe vent system is proven to reduce air bubble oxidation of the milk to help preserve vitamins and lipids, key nutrients to baby*s health.Vacuum-Free Feeding Like BreastfeedingThe fully-vented bottle design provides vacuum-free feeding, closest to breastfeeding, which can also help reduce build up of fluid in baby*s ear. New ResearchA recent university study set out to measure nutrient levels in baby bottle breastmilk and formula.It was determined that Dr. Brown*s™ fully-vented bottles help preserve levels of important nutrients.The Dr. Brown*s vent system reduces air bubble oxidation of the milk, which is very fragile and susceptible to nutrient loss. Patented Internal Vent SystemAir enters the bottle collar and routes directly through the internal vent system.The air channels through the vent tube, bypassing the milk, to the end of the bottle.The vent prevents aeration of the milk, vacuum pressure, and nipple collapse.Baby feeds comfortably while the milk flows freely, like breastfeeding. Health TipVitamins C, A and E, and lipids, or "good fats," are all naturally occurring in mom*s breastmilk and are clinical for health and growth in infancy. Contents:3 - 4 oz (120 mL) Standard Baby Bottles3 - Level-One Silicone Nipples3 - Two-Piece Patented Internal Vents1 - Cleaning BrushInstructions 1-800-778-9001 Made in China |
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